Authentic Team Leadership - Are You In?

You’ve just finished up yet another team meeting that’s left you feeling uneasy, and you start to picture managing your own team. Naturally you focus on what it won’t be. It won’t be sluggish, it won’t be the same droning on about minute details, and it won’t have that pretense of everyone being in lock step with the manager’s opinions. It’s easy to focus on what you want to move away from, but what you want to move towards isn’t as clear.

Bridging the gap from where you are now and becoming a qualified and confident team leader feels exciting (that’s you, right?). But from what you’ve observed and experienced, it feels as if you’d have to create a new persona of the tough-minded boss in order to get any work done. Cue imposter syndrome; who are you to suddenly become the expert that orders the team around and makes all the decisions?

But what if you could be both authentic and effective as a team leader? What if you could experience a future where you and your team members could show up every day with courage and trust rather than the watered down version of yourselves?

Shelve the what ifs; this is your job as a team leader: To help build the skills to adapt to the external forces of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity). With your team, you must start by going on a very internal journey of team development. It feels like a detour because it takes time, but working on the team means building a team that is equipped to do the heavy lifting of making quality collaborative decisions. I am your best resource to guide you on this mission.

The upside of learning how to be an effective team leader is LARGE. 

Want to learn more about the how in all of this?

I have an interactive 6 week on-line Authentic Team Leadership program, and it is my mission to help individuals make a massive impact on teams, by providing a comprehensive set of guidelines to live by. Do you want to be part of this? Are you in?

Add yourself to my program waitlist to get up to date information on program details as well as some exclusive resources. I’ll provide more updates for you as we draw nearer to the next launch date in January 2022. Questions? Reach out to me! I want to hear where you are at and what your vision of being a team leader means to you.

Leslie Wallace-MunceComment