Team Coaching Options
To address a team performance issue, spanning 1 to 2 months
To establish collaboration norms for project or operational teams for any of the areas listed below, spanning 2 to 6 months
Regular check-ins to maintain momentum or to address issues that arise, monthly or quarterly as required
Tools for Team Collaboration
Systemic Assessment
Build a realistic awareness of the team’s mandate - examining assumptions, taking a reality check on budget, deliverables, resources. Promote discussions about complexity by asking the right questions. Express positions through assertive conversations with stakeholders to avoid misunderstanding down the road.
Set-up for an Effective Team
At the formation stages of the team’s development, set up the team’s behavioral norms including how they will be monitored during execution.
Establish a clear compelling vision
Establish connections with key stakeholders
Conduct a Team Climate assessment
Agreement on team ground rules
Agreement on individual and collective participation and accountability
Tools for Communication
Facilitation of activities and routines that promote clear communication and open dialogue.
Structured approaches to problem-solving
Encouragement of all points of view and perspectives
Effective meeting strategy
Calling out the Elephant in the room
Sustaining stakeholder support
Building Resilience
Build in resilience in advance to be prepared when issues happen, ie; shortage of resources, looming deadlines, changes in scope.
Fault free conflict management
Coping with set backs
Holding a pre-mortem
Embed Learning
Regular examination of how the team has been working and how they can improve. This requires a structure to implement and practice iterative learning. The team coach helps develop the mechanisms to review, reflect, plan and then put into action better ways of delivering the outcome.