From Team Chaos to Clarity: Creating Team Agreements that Stick

  • Does your team tend to fall into old behavioral habits as the project ramps up?

  • Do you find yourself in constant rescue mode when it comes to monitoring team behavior?  

  • Do you want to learn one simple strategy to gain buy-in from your team on how they will work together? 

  • Could you use a little help implementing that?

Benefits of creating Team Agreements that Stick:

  • Team takes ownership on how they will work together

  • Takes the leader out of rescue mode

  • Shapes team identity

  • Greater team trust and collaboration

Limited Time Offer: Creating Team Agreements that Stick

In this one hour session, I will take your team through a process to identify and define how they will work together to create a culture of trust and collaboration.

I will be assisting your team (maximum size of 8 participants) to not only create these rules of engagement, but to check in at a follow up session to assess the impact of the team agreements, and determine next steps, if any.

What it costs: only $98.00 Can

Available for a limited time: April through to June 2023, subject to availability.

Ready to book a session? If you are ready to take advantage of this offer, use the link below to book a time for the session and submit payment. At the time of booking, please add the names and emails of your team members. That’s it; no further preparation is required!

Have more questions? Simply book a 30 minute chat to get all your questions answered prior to booking.