Seeing Things Through

“Seeing things through”, to me, feels like a better strategy to adopt than “embracing change” lately. What I mean by better is the importance of staying focused on the core goal, and to be dogged in the pursuit of what that looks like when it’s done. It means not being distracted by another side project, or shiny idea that is being suggested by yet another consultant on how to succeed; to resist starting up something new, for the sake of its “newness”. Staying focused on the key objective means having to stick with it; to identify a key activity to move you towards your goal, and keep at it, not just once a week for a few weeks, but for weeks, months and maybe years.

Consider the times you’ve allowed a new activity to lose its grip once the results you were hoping for weren’t materializing. It’s not that the activity, such as a marketing tactic, isn’t a good one, but, really, ask yourself how long you’ve really been at it.   

Seeing things through means staying at it, riding out the days and weeks when you feel you aren’t getting any traction, or making progress. Because eventually, through practice and repetition, you will improve – your message, your strategy, your timing, will all improve. There are so many examples of how people have mastered a skill through repetition and practice.

A good one from the art world is Delacroix, a French Romantic artist, who did countless studies, doodles and tracings, to hone his craft. You can read more, and see the evidence of his work in this blog on his artistic practice:

So, what’s the goal you’re wishing you could stick with? Take note of the people around you who have experienced success in your field. It’s a sure bet that they started out as beginners at their craft, put in the time and effort, experienced failure, hesitation and doubt, but kept at it.

My upcoming Group Program “A Guide to Sticking to Your Plan (For Real This Time), is starting on January 8, 2021 and might be what you’re looking for.

With greater awareness, a powerful vision, and the right allies, starting and sticking to your plan is possible! Stop dreaming, start doing!

This six week program will help you:

·         Get energized about moving forward with your ideas and projects

·         Develop your skills to manage the unpleasant feelings that hold you back

·         Bring focus to your goals and guard your project from detractors

·         Ask for and accept support and learn how to talk out loud about your project

·         Enjoy the process and stay on track to reach the finish line

Join me on an upcoming Zoom call to hear more about what you can expect from the program, and see if it’s a good fit for you.

Date options are December 4, 9:00am EST or Dec 11, 12pm EST.

Drop me an email at, and let me know you which Zoom call you would like to join. See you there.

Leslie Wallace-Munce