Tune in to What You’re Ignoring

What Are You Ignoring?


I am sure you have noticed what happens when you continue to ignore things over time. I’ve found that the best remedy is to take action; to attack a sink full of dishes; to finally make that dentist appointment; to have that conversation about the late night noise with the neighbours. Otherwise, the law of ignoring kicks in. Whatever you ignore will get worse over time. And if you want to get closer to living the life you always imagined, you need to become more aware what you’ve been ignoring, before it controls you. Yet, it’s hard to imagine overcoming what you aren’t even aware of, let alone ignoring. The theme of building awareness is one of the first things you’ll learn in my 6 Week Program (more about that later), and what I cover in this post.

Consider whether anyone has mentioned your blind spots, or when at times you react to a situation by an emotional default. It’s important to recognize and become more aware of your emotions, to see how it could make a difference to the people in your life, as well as to experience the peace and wholeness you can have with more self-awareness. And, the more awareness you have, the more you can “see” what you’ve been ignoring as a first step to overcome it, and pursue your goals.

Having more self-awareness means being honest with yourself and other people about what you’re thinking and feeling. If you have been reluctant to sit with difficult emotions, know that this is a built-in defense mechanism that springs up from our reptilian brain.  Besides that, there’s a lot of social conditioning about “putting our true feelings in check” that puts us in a state of denial.

So, if you’ve felt it difficult to get “unstuck” and aren’t moving forward to where you want to be, you may be interested in a strategy, known as an “As If Shift”. In this As If Shift, you put yourself in the future, and look back at all the obstacles you’ve overcome with greater awareness. I call it: “Tuning into Awareness”, and it taps into the “beyond conscious” part of our mind and body to dig into our “inner knowing”.

You might be thinking, “I just don’t know what obstacles I’ve been ignoring”, but at some level, you really do know – it takes time to sit with it. In fact if you do sit with difficult emotions for a few minutes, you can intercept your fear-based reactions, and become more calm, aware and resourceful.

I want you to imagine that you can clearly see your vision of success right in front of you. Turn around and see the journey you took to get to where you are, with new understanding about what you had been ignoring. Without judgement, name those things that you became aware of and learned to control. Appreciate the experience of the hard work and discomfort you went through to face them. Reflect on what you notice about where you are now, and the words and emotions that come to you.

In the coming weeks:

·         Make a commitment to sit with difficult emotions to “feel your feelings”, and reflect on what you became aware of

·         Ask yourself; how can this new awareness help me overcome my obstacles?

Over time, you will start to feel the results of “Tuning into Awareness”, helping you see what you’ve been ignoring and becoming more resourceful on next steps.

Join my upcoming Group Program entitled “A Guide to Sticking to Your Plan (For Real This Time) starting on January 8, 2021:

With greater awareness, a powerful vision, and the right allies, starting and sticking to your plan is possible! Stop dreaming, start doing!

This six week program will help you:

  • Get energized about moving forward with your ideas and projects

  • Develop your skills to manage the unpleasant feelings that hold you back

  • Bring focus to your goals and guard your project from detractors

  • Ask for and accept support and learn how to talk out loud about your project

  • Enjoy the process and stay on track to reach the finish line

Join me on an upcoming complimentary Zoom call to hear more about what you can expect from the program, to see if it’s a good fit for you.

Date options for the Zoom call are: December 4, 9:00am EST or Dec 11, 12pm EST.

Drop me an email at leslie@trinitylifecoaching.net, and let me know you which Zoom call you would like to join, so I can send you an invite.

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