Alone Time and Introverts - Too Much of a Good Thing

As someone who enjoys my alone time, my secret response when the pandemic first hit was, ah, sweet solitude! 

But as weeks have turned into months, it's been useful for me to be aware of the subtle signs of when this hibernation has become, well, just a little too comfortable.

How do the introverted among us know when it's time to emerge from our cave?

Working with introverted clients, I see when loneliness somehow has snuck up, and far from being a passing mood swing, it has become addictive; days and weeks go by, and we question the need for going out and socializing, even if it is virtual. 

We’ve made a good home for isolation, but we’ve also given our obsessive thoughts free range.  It’s important to be mindful of the fact that as introverts, we tend to “be in our heads” a lot, enjoying time alone to imagine and let our many ideas play freely.

But isolation-induced, overly obsessive thinking can lead to imbalance. It’s important to know what our needs are, and plan ahead. You are the best judge of your own cycles, and when you dip into a low ebb, take a moment to step outside of the drama, and check in with yourself. If the best antidote to isolation is human connection, how long can you go before you need your “fix”? If 2 days is as much time you can deal with spending alone before you become restless and self-critical, plan a date with someone within that time frame. 

If you are experiencing the signs of struggling with thinking negative thoughts, you can also seek a dose of mindfulness, nature, or creative inspiration to feel re-connected and rejuvenated.

Even though we introverts enjoy spending time alone, we need human connection as much as anyone, but we need to be mindful of planning our connection “dates” to avoid mental fog and brain drain, now more than ever.

I work with people who want to manage their energy to narrow the gap between their dream goals and their day to day realities. Check out the link below to see my availability for a free consultation.