Ideas for Everyone - Step Right Up

Marketers love to take advantage of the fact that when we’re told that something is in short supply, we fear missing out and jump on the “buy now” button. 

 Imagine if ideas were the same: “Order now and get your trial supply of ideas - they won’t last!”

 The most effective innovators take on an attitude of abundance when it comes to creative ideas. “There’s more where that came from”, is a mindset that is completely intentional, and it’s a belief that is very deliberately nurtured. 

 Julia Cameron states; “Creativity depends on our sense of abundance” in her book Prosperity Every Day. Through discipline and daily practice, creators provide themselves opportunities, such as Artist Dates, to check their egos and get absorbed in their surroundings. This helps them top up the tank and stay in the creative flow.

 What if someone has told you, or perhaps you’ve told yourself, that there was only a finite number of ideas available to you in your lifetime? Is it possible that you’re believing your best days of creativity and accomplishments are in the rear view mirror?

 If you could tap into the same abundance mindset, what would be different for you? Would you dare ask yourself, “What else am I really capable of?” 

 I work with people who are ready to get excited about their next chapter, who want to explore that question about capability, and how to manifest it. If that sounds like you, I can help you take the first steps. If that seems both scary and exciting, let’s talk about what’s on your mind, and how we could co-create what’s possible. 

 Self-discovery isn’t boring, nor is it selfish.

 In fact, once you start to share your ideas and explore your capabilities, it's perhaps the most unselfish thing you could do - as you transform yourself, you help those around you change too.