Archetypes to have in your back pocket

Like an advisor, mentor, or guide, there are some archetypes that I am very fond of, and I imagine taking them along with me in my back pocket, like my favorite Ken and Barbie from girlhood. Except these archetypes can advise me, as in “WWJD” (what would Jesus do).

Carl Gustav Jung defined 12 personality archetypes as part of his exploration of ancestral roots and the collective unconscious, based on his studies of the symbols and myths of different cultures.  Here are the ones that I like to check in with from time to time.

The Explorer

C. G. Jung described the Explorer as curious, always open to exploring new things; what could happen next? What’s out there? I like to consult my Explorer archetype when I’m feeling doubtful about what my next step might be, over-thinking possible outcomes. If I’m getting too caught up in the end product, my inner Explorer reminds me that when you focus on the process, life becomes an adventure.

The Magician

The Magician is always thinking about growth and transformation, their own and for others. If I am presented with an opportunity that might not be obvious to me, my inner Magician yells to open the door that’s right in front of me. Once I listen, I’ll open it, getting out of my comfort zone.

The Creator

The Creator gets a kick out of creating something out of nothing, is self-sufficient and non-conformist.  When I sometimes get hung up on my own story and my own self-limiting beliefs, my inner Creator reminds me that it’s in my power to re-write my story.

The Wild Woman

Clarissa Pinkola Estes pioneered the Wild Woman archetype after using folk tales as parables and a route to healing with her clients. A Jungian analyst, she tapped into the deep yearning women have to eschew their ‘niceness’ and revel in their intuitive, sexual and creative energies. When feeling depleted and un-resourceful, my Wild Woman might advise some self-compassion and a walk through an earthy forest.