Making a Power Move

Do you shy away from the idea of making a move that’s outside of your comfort zone?

It’s a natural reaction to prefer a task that is well within your wheel house, like updating your resume, or upping your weekly quota of job applications. Because those are reasonable, low risk tasks that can be done week after week.

But a Power Move isn’t reasonable or low risk. In fact, it’s an action that’s pretty risky and something you aren’t sure you’re going to succeed at. But that’s just the point. It will propel you into the vision of a future self that you haven’t yet grown into. A Power Move is selling your car so you can attend a self-development seminar in another city. It’s taking on a part-time job. It’s starting a blog. It’s doing something that you’ve never done before.

The value of making a Power Move is that it puts you into an abundance mindset. You can believe that whatever you’re looking for is all out there: Clients, work opportunities, new relationships. A Power Move signals that you are NOT lacking, negative or graspy, and you are worth the investment. The value of following through on a Power Move is having new experiences and gaining knowledge, and evolving into who you are meant to be.

Those doable, daily small steps are essential to help you gain momentum. But give yourself the freedom to use your imagination and be curious about what Power Moves you could potentially take.

What Power Move could you make? It’s sometimes the one thing you’ve been putting off but is right in front of you.

Then it’s taking action. Take it out into the universe. To a trusted friend, say, “I intend to (insert action) – somehow!” You might be surprised at the possibilities that start showing up.

One more thing: I always keep space in my schedule for coaching conversations with prospective clients. If you have a lot of ideas swirling around in your head and want to make sense of them, let’s have a conversation to see if I can help - no cost and no pressure. Could this be your next Power Move? Contact me at