Saying YES To The Universe

Look at this rodeo girl, with all her swagger, stepping into the ring and saying YES to the universe. The more I feel like her, the more I am tapped into my powers. This encompasses the following for me:

The feeling of power. I imagine what it’s like to be suited up and with my rope, ready for the show

The knowledge or belief that you are the best at what you do. The rodeo girl needs to believe she’s the best. For me, it’s the belief that I’m the best at being me. If I play at being my best self, we all win.

Fear. When I’m the rodeo girl I’m engaged in something that’s terrifying. If I’m feeling this fear it means I am being challenged in ways I need to be challenged. I feel the fear but I do it anyway.

I find and create situations that encompass feeling powerful, a belief that I’m the best at doing it, and fear. And I do it anyway.

Here’s what I’m up to: I’m inviting people to my new Group Coaching program – A Guide to Sticking to Your Plan (for real this time). If you’ve ever thought a coach could help you move forward to a better future but felt you weren’t sure that it was affordable, this program is exactly what you need. I will be offering this 6 Module, Zoom-based program for $99, if you participate in the road test - coming up in September. Contact me if you’re interested in getting more details on this amazing offer.