Team Coaching Explained

To quote Jeff Sutherland, who took systems theory to the world of project teams and invented Scrum, “Organizations, teams, and people are all complex adaptive systems. To introduce change into any system, you will inevitably create chaos”. But adapt they can, and by following some simple rules, teams can become more productive, happier, supportive, and fun.

And that’s a lot like Team Coaching: Individuals come together with the help of the Team Coach to go through change, experience some chaos in the process, but emerge transformed. They become deeply accountable to their objectives, interact better and more effectively, and strive for constant, iterative improvement.

If you’re curious about Team Coaching, have a look at the Infographic I’ve created. If you’d like a pdf, just complete the form below to receive it via email.

What’s Coming Up:

I have a free workshop just around the corner on Authentic Team Leadership and you can still sign up! If stepping into a leadership role excites you as well as frustrates you, I’d love to have you join whatever date is easy for you. In the workshop I’ll demystify a few things about leadership and how you can remain your authentic self. Details for the workshop and times are available through Eventbrite. Here’s the link to sign up: Eventbrite

I hope this workshop will also inspire you to stick with your team leadership journey, for real this time. My upcoming Team Leadership Program is set to run in the week of January 24 to January 28, every lunch time from 12 to 1:15 pm.  Because you’ll be with a group of like-minded aspiring leaders, you’ll learn from each other as much as through my course content. Here’s the link from my website on the Team Leadership Program

If you have any questions about the program or anything else, please contact me

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